Tips & Advice

What Does It Mean to Rewrite Your Negative Beliefs?

Negative thoughts, though a normal way to evaluate your experiences, can become an issue as they engrain themselves within your mind and form into your core beliefs. Having negative core beliefs impact how you view yourself, your relationships and the world around you. As these negative beliefs persist you can experience an array of harmful effects that can contribute to the experience of depression and anxiety. This blog post will give you some insight on what a negative belief is, how negative beliefs can undermine your quality of life, and how you can rewrite these negative beliefs to start living the fulfilling life you deserve.

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Overcoming Perfectionism: Accepting the Imperfections

Whether it’s at work, school, or in your daily life, pushing yourself towards your own success takes dedication and motivation. Though these are strong qualities to have, these same qualities can easily be overtaken by the downfall of perfectionist thinking. Of course we all want what’s best for ourselves and want to achieve every goal and task before us. However, when you constantly give yourself excessively high standards to reach you can experience the stress, frustration and depression that comes with a perfectionist mindset. This blog post will outline what perfectionism is and how you can reframe your mindset while supporting yourself towards success in a healthier way.

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Managing Anxiety: The Urgency Stress Response

There’s a lot of suffering that comes from the time pressures and deadlines we place on ourselves. Whether it’s getting married by a certain age, or graduating from school at a certain time, these deadlines add unnecessary stress and anxiety to our life. It’s time to remove time pressures and feelings of urgency from the equation. Instead, take your time and give yourself the space to enjoy life at your own pace. 

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Why You’re Angry All the Time. And What To Do About It.

Anger, like all emotions, is an automatic signal from your body that is trying to bring clarity to your needs. Though we all experience anger, you may feel you’ve reached a point where day after day you lead your life with anger and frustration, which is now impacting your relationships and wellbeing. Many people come to us for therapy, particularly couples therapy, feeling angry all the time and not knowing what to do about it. This blog post will help you identify why you may be feeling angry all the time and offer you some solutions to help you learn from your anger and support your wellbeing.

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Burnout: Causes, Signs, and How to Cope

I was in a 6am Hot Yoga class, lying in child’s pose, and crying. The realization came through loud and clear “I need to quit my job”. If this story sounds familiar, keep reading to learn about the common causes of burnout and signs to look out for, myths about burnout, and effective ways to cope through burnout and prevent it in the future.

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Anxiety & Burnout Michelle Garraway Anxiety & Burnout Michelle Garraway

Winter Depression: Living With Seasonal Sadness

The winter season comes with cold weather, shorter days and less sunlight, especially for those living in northern countries. With the third Monday of every January coined as ‘Blue Monday’; AKA the most depressing day of the year, you may be feeling particularly unhappy. If you find yourself feeling down in the ‘winter blues,’ this blog post will give you information on seasonal affective disorder and how you can cope with this seasonal sadness.

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3 Ways Anxiety Impacts Relationships: How Therapy Can Offer Relief for Anxious Millennial Women

Anxiety can often cast a shadow over your life, affecting not only your individual well-being but also your relationships with partners, family, and friends. In this blog post, I’ll share three ways in which anxiety impacts relationships and discuss how therapy can provide valuable tools and support to navigate these challenges.

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3 Things I Do When I Can’t Feel My Feelings — From a Therapist

You know that feeling when you don’t know that feeling? You’re going through the motions, feeling kind of bleh but not sure why. Maybe you do know what’s going on in your life but you keep feeling down or stuck and unable to move through it.

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